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Mandatory Organic Standards and Labels

In 2013, the government adopted the Law on organic production, distribution and labelling of organic products, which is not implemented so far. Bylaws are in the process of elaboration.

The competent authority for organic agriculture in Ukraine is the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Law on organic production, distribution and labelling of organic products
The law defines the rules and economic aspects of production, distribution and labelling of organic products.
Law on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine on organic production, distribution and labelling of organic products
The law defines the rules and economic aspects of production, distribution and labelling of organic products and aims at the harmonisation with the EU organic legislation.
Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
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Voluntary Organic Standards and Labels

In November 2015, the government adopted a national organic logo. This use of the logo is voluntary. It can be used for organic export products, processed products and raw materials. So far, no product is labelled with the national organic logo. But the EU organic logo is highly recognised and frequently used by many organic producers and processors in Ukraine. Most organic products for the domestic market are certified according to EU legislation on organic farming.

There are no private standards and labels common in Ukraine. The two main associations representing the private organic sector in Ukraine are the “Organic Federation of Ukraine” and the Producers Union of Organic Certified Products “Organic Ukraine”.

Order on enactment of organic state logo for organic products (raw materials)
The Order defines the logo for organic products and the rules how to use it.
Organic Federation of Ukraine
Members of the Organic Federation are producers, smaller associations and supporting members. The main task is the promotion of organic agriculture in Ukraine by organising conferences, consumer fairs or workshops as well as advocatory work.
en, ua
Producers Union of Organic Certified Products “Organic Ukraine”
Members are mainly organic producers. The main task is the promotion of organic production by organising B2B conferences and workshops as well as advocatory work.

Control Bodies

The control and certification process is performed by private control bodies which have to be approved by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. This registration and approval process is not yet completed. An official list of approved control bodies is in preparation.

Control bodies or control authorities recognised by the EU (Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008)
The list covers all local and international certification bodies, which are recognised by the EU.

Import Requirements

There are no specific requirements or regulations for the import of organic products to Ukraine, as the law on organic production is not implemented so far.

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Further Information

General information on organic agriculture in Ukraine.

Organic Europe: Ukraine
Summary report on organic agriculture in the Ukraine. The site is updated irregularly.
Global Organic Trade Guide: Ukraine
Website of the American Organic Trade Association (OTA) providing information on international organic trade. Although designed for U.S. exporters, some of the provided information might also be interesting for exporters from other countries.
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