About OrganicExportInfo
You want to export organic products? You are looking for information on organic standards, certification schemes and import regulations in different countries to understand the requirements for accessing their organic markets? Then this website might provide helpful information.
OrganicExportInfo informs on legal requirements and certification schemes relevant for exporting organic products into different target countries.
The navigation at the left shows the countries and regions covered by this site.
For each country, you find information on:
1) mandatory organic standards and labels,
2) important voluntary organic standards and labels,
3) approved certification bodies/control bodies,
4) import requirements and
5) further information.
Each chapter covers a short summary as well as a commented list of links on relevant websites where you can receive further information. Links on full text documents are provided, if available, to facilitate detailed investigation.
The export information service was elaborated through the project “Consolidation of the Local Organic Certification Bodies” (ConsCert), funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), and updated by the project "Green Innovation Center", funded by GIZ.
Should you find content or links that are not up-to-date or should a link not lead to the website stated, we would be very happy, if you informed us by e-mail so we could correct it (toralf.richter@fibl.org).
This website was developed and is maintained with the support of:
Florentine Meinshausen & Toralf Richter

Marian Blom

Antonio Compagnioni
Humus rete sociale per la bioagricultura italiana

Jan Deane
Organic, social, environmental consulting

Dr Dóra Drexler
ÖMKi, Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Göran Ekbladh
Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket)

Antoine Faure
Ecocert SA

Yulia Galashevska
Organic Standard Ltd

Birgit Ingvorsen
SEGES - Danish Agriculture & Food Council F.m.b.A.
Meltem Işıldak

Valentina Kolar-Jovanovska
Balkan Biocert Skopje

Krasimir Kunchev
Balkan Biocert Ltd

Paula-Liana Hui
Natural Cert

Jochen Neuendorff
GfRS Resource Protection Ltd.

Vanessa De Raedt and Serge Massart
Vlaanderen, Agentschap Landbouw & Zeevisserij
Natalie Prokopchuk
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Mathew Sebastian

Roberto Setti
CCPB srl.

Klodiana Balla

Lee Holdstock
Soil Association